
Showing posts from July, 2020

DFI - Day 2

As a teacher, one tends to get inundated with lots of emails, information and data flying at us from all directions.   Just like the comic above, I do tend to just drag and drop things into the infinite vastness of my google suite and just leave it there "to file or action when I have more free time".  Well no more to this, I say!!!  Today's learning, on Day 2 of the DFI, was all around improving our workflow and what it means to be a learner. To improve our workflow, we need to understand how the various digital tools of the Google Suite work.  We explored Google Meet, Google Calendar and Gmail.  This triangulation of the tools help to make our teaching, learning and planning for ubiquitous as we are able to work anywhere, anytime.  These three digital tools have been widely used since the Covid lockdown and have changed the way we work and plan.  An example of this change was the way my school organised the parent-teacher interviews after we came back from lock down.  I

Digital Fluency Intensive - Day 1 Reflection

     Today was day one, out of nine, of the Digital Fluncy Intensive (DFI) course run by Manaiakalani. Manaiakalani's pedagogy of "Learn, Create, Share" resonates with my personal style of teaching. Students often produce high quality work when they have had the time to create something personal to share with an authentic audience. As Dorothy shared the history of Manaiakalani's kaupapa and pedagogy, she mentioned how MKI grew from the need for "equitable access to learning" and how the shift to an online platform, though gradual, was a simple, yet effective way of gaining this equity. She also stressed the importance of having the courage to be innovative and to keep finding new solutions to old problems.     Keeping our personal and work google drives organised helps us to be more productive. The facilitators showed us several ways to organise and personalise our Google Drives, followed by the opportunity to actually do so. They also stressed the impo