DFI Day 9 - Final Reflections

Wow!  I did it!  I just completed the DFI course!  😇

Before I began my DFI journey, which was strongly recommended by my Principal and staff members, I was a bit apprehensive about having to organise my family around an extra full day of work.  However, I quickly grew to look forward to my Friday Fundays doing the DFI.  It was a good blend of big picture thinking by exploring the Manaiakalani kaupapa as well as picking up new technical skills with the Google Suite.  It was also an interesting experience putting myself into the shoes of my students by experiencing my first ever online test.

Learning about Manaiakalani's pedagogy and kaupapa of Learn, Create Share has given me a fresh lens to explore my personal pedagogy.  It is so simple and yet so effective.  I now intentionally plan my lessons and RE support for my team around these three words - What are we learning?  What can we create?  How are we going to share our learning?  This helps to focus our discussions and planning meetings.  It also challenges my staff and I to explore new ways to engage our students in a creative and authentic way.

The lock down at the beginning of the year was a massive watershed moment for education.  We were suddenly required to take all our teaching practices (that worked well within the four walls of a classroom) and flip the classroom to an online environment.  My team and I were feeling very blessed with already be part of the Manaikalani cluster and that we had kick-started our school's journey.  With the support of our facilitators and a very supportive and decisive leadership team, we were able to jump into the world of online teaching quickly.  Don't get me wrong... there was A LOT to learn and implement.  It was a steep learning curve.  But the big difference was that we had support to do it.  We were given the structure, resources and support that we needed as teachers so that we could then, in turn, support our students (and their families) during the lock down home learning journey. 

Another positive impact of the lock down home learning journey is that most of our teachers have continued to teach a blended learning environment.  All our resources, plans and rewindable learning are available for the students via their class sites.  Students are also able to work on their self management skills by deciding when and how they are going to complete their learning tasks.  This has enables the students to take ownership of their learning, collaborate with their peers in ubiquitous setting where everything is visible and accessible.

On a personal note, I am grateful to have had the opportunity to attend the DFI course and to be given the time and space to learn.  It is such a treat to have the time within the course to complete the tasks as well as to write a reflection each week.  Part of this journey is to become empowered as a teacher so that I can support and empower my team and the students on their journey in the digital world.  I look forward to exploring more and setting up the digital curriculum for my school and empower the students with the life skills required for the 21st century.  


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